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How I Do... Choose Which Hand to Use

Scanning Energy Field

I’m a right-hand person.

  • I use my left hand to scan energy blocks, clear blocks (light mental & emotional blocks), heal (little t trauma, stress, anxiety…), and relax.

  • I use my right hand to clear energy blocks (severe mental & emotional blocks, physical blocks), and heal (big T trauma, physical issues, severe stress & anxiety…). Also, I use my right hand to support my left hand to go into the deep side of the energy field as needed.

With animals:

I always start with my left hand for animals unless they ask for my right hand. My right hand is too strong for most animals because they are extremely sensitive to energy. If I used my right hand first, they often blocked my energy. Then I needed to take more time to heal them.

“Please always remember, animals take healing energy differently.”

Please remember I’m sharing “How I Do” not how everyone does.

Everyday practice is the key to improving your sensitivity to energy.



Love of Guardian Angels

© 2024 Love of Guardian Angels

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